Alright, I know my blogging has actually been getting worse over the last few weeks, but I'm so wiped out anymore.
To start: Dallas started daycare last week. I know, it's awful, sending my baby away. But the good news with it is that I got the cake decorating job (finally)!! Because of the change in job code, my schedule has to change (6-3) and with Josh going to work at 2:45, that means Dallas needs watching. We've been meaning to get him into some kind of care that would give him more social interaction, so this was just an excuse. He loves it there! He's only in for four hours a day, three days a week, so it isn't like he never sees us, but during those four hours he plays with kids his age, eats lunch that someone other than Mommy or Grandma makes, and learns more about his letters, numbers, and going potty.
OH!! Going potty! Dallas has started telling us when he needs to go. He isn't dead-on yet, often wet, but whenever he says he has to go, he does acutally go. It's great!
Josh's work is changing too. Several leads/managers have either stepped down or been "let go" and with new management coming in Josh might lose his weekends off; we'll just have to see what happens.
That's pretty much it....yup, I'm done.
Love you all!!!