02 December 2010

Hooray for STUFF!!!!!

I know it's not the "thing" to want stuff, but I think I'm in the clear because it was all mine to begin with!! All of it arrived Monday (Huge thanks to Mom and Dad M.! You're awesome!) and we finished unloading last night. Dallas gets really excited every time we open a new box, in particular the ones marked Christmas:) His favorite phrase while we were unloading the trailer was "good job putting it in the truck!" He's also had a lot of fun rediscovering all his toys, his dresser, his blankets and his stuffed animals--it's like Christmas came early! Josh is still sitting at his desk reacquainting himself with his computers, his games, his software, and those gosh-darned cords. I am wallowing in the wealth of appliances now occupying my kitchen counters: blender, mixer, popcorn popper, crock pot.....it's magical....
Here's an idea of the beautiful mess of our house

Obviously, there's a lot of work to be done but it's worth all the trouble just to have the convenience of it all back :)