Today, I just had a complete breakdown. Mostly things were normal, fairly uneventful. But when I went to get Dallas up from his nap, he'd taken his diaper off. Nothing dirty or anything, just off. So I put him in another one. And twenty minutes later, another. This went on until about 4:30, and then I called my sister in-law, Sarah. I was crying, I didn't know what to do, and I begged her to help me. She said she'd bring over a little potty-training toilet, and told me she understood. That was best thing I'd heard all day. Then she even went further and called Josh on his way home and told him what a rotten day I'd had. As soon as he walked in the door he took charge of everything. He finished putting dinner together and fed me and Dallas, washed up the booster seat stuff, gathered up the trash...I almost started crying again.
So now I think I'm going to start a little bit of potty training with Dallas, because I can't do the stripping thing, and besides: he likes sitting on the potty. I'm really grateful I had someone to lean on today, especially someone who totally understood how I was feeling. I'm pretty lucky to have Sarah nearby, lucky to have another woman my age to turn to when I need a shoulder.
That gets so very frustrating when they won't leave the diaper on. Since I refused to do toilet training until after we moved, we actually had to put packaging tape on the front of Madison's diaper for a couple of months before the move so that she'd leave it on. Be prepared for at least a couple of months of trying to get this through. There are a few kids out there who just decide they don't want to be dirty and they practically toilet train themselves, but those are few and far between. Good luck!
Don't get discouraged on the potty traing...18 months is young even for a girl and boys usually don't start til later. You might try the packaging tape idea, or put him in clothes that he can't get his diaper off. (you have to experiment with that, it won't be the same clothes for every kid)I'm so glad Sarah was there and you could call. Family is so important in the support of raising a family.
Wow--what a day., I am so glad you had someone to lean on. That is so important!! Hope today goes better!
What a bummer. I don't think I could deal with I'm glad we haven't had to yet.
By the way, the curtains look great.
Sorry you had such a rough day! Potty training is tough work. (Evie's taking a break from it until Lizzie's settled in...I just can't take the stress right now.) So good luck with it...and call me, too, if you have another meltdown!
I am so glad you felt like you could turn to me. I'm right here. Like I told you yesterday, I know it's not a break from Dallas but ya'll can come over and he can play in the play room with Josilyn and you can just sit back for a few minutes and breathe. I hope today is much better.
The kids at the childcare where I work at are going through the "taking off their diapers and throw them at the teacher" moment. It's going to take a while, but I am sure that your son will stop soon..just like I hope mine will or I am going to be asking for a pay raise *laughs*. I'm glad you had someone to lean on.
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