14 April 2008

Grandma and Grandpa M. had just got home, and Dallas was watching them fix something on their big truck.

Hooray for using spoons (as opposed to fingers.)

Playing hide and seek, I thought I'd actually lost him...until he started giggling from his hiding place.


Anonymous said...

I love the pic in the dog house that's too sweet. I bet he slept good last night he was tired little guy.

Rachel Holloway said...

What a mischevious little guy! :)

Stephanie said...

That's great that he's using a spoon! Zaylee, at 2 1/2, still often prefers her fingers, though she can use the spoon and fork pretty well. I love the hiding picture. You've got a cute little boy!

Melinda said...

Dallas! I loved these pictures! (How many pair of overalls does he own, anyway?) Thanks, La, for posting one of my favorite nephews!

Karen said...

Hooray for pictures! What a cute little guy! I'm glad you got him in the dog house...too cute.