28 April 2008

Pic of the Day

The normal babble had been coming from Dallas' room to wake me up. On this occasion, as you can see, he was not in his crib. He was not very concerned about where he was, but he made it clear he wanted down. I made sure I got a pic of it first. And then promptly rearranged his bedroom.


Rachel Holloway said...

That is so funny!!!

Anonymous said...

That is great! Okay, maybe a bit startling at first, but he doesn't seem to mind in the least :O)

Stephanie said...

Wow, what fun! Good idea to rearrange. Zaylee has started climbing into Thomas' crib, but unfortunately it's nothing a furniture rearrangement can help!

Sarah said...

How scary! What a little daredevil...I don't know if I'm ready to have a boy.