07 May 2008

Caught with the Cleaner

Hearing a clatter in the kitchen, I peaked in and found Dallas rifling through my cleaning supplies. Fortunately, none of them contained any bleach.


Karen said...

Kinda looks like someone caught with their hand in the cookie jar...what a funny face!

Anonymous said...

This it too adorable and you can totally tell he was into something he wasn't supposed to be. I'm suprised it wasn't the little smirk he gets.

Stephanie said...

You can only hope that he'll keep this interest in cleaning supplies long enough to actually put it to good use! Hopefully he'll still want to "play" with this stuff when he's old enough to clean with it! ;)

Melinda said...

You pokin' fun at my angelic girl? (Okay, even I can't say that w/ a straight face. Oh well.)

Cute picture, though1