21 May 2008

Snappy Surprise

This afternoon, when I let Dallas outside to play, we found a friend sitting on the sidewalk. It looks like a pretty normal box turtle, and we've had several around. But it had some nasty looking claws, and it kept hissing at Dallas, so I put it in a box and left it on my counter until Josh got home and could take it out in the back forty and turn it loose.
Dallas was sorry to see it go, and had spent the hour and a half before Josh got home running back and forth between me and the kitchen trying to get me to lift him up and look again.
I suppose if I come across another one, I just might need to keep it for Dallas to see and oggle over:)


Kathy and Dave Whittle said...

How fun! Sounds like you may have an animal lover there....

Anonymous said...

Those are the icky snapping turtles we have some other ones that don't have the claws and aren't so mean. They are called terapin (spelling I'm not sure of) a much more friendly creature. I haven't seen any turtles yet this year, they must of moved to your house. Oh and I was gonna tell you to watch for trantulas I had two in my backyard when I mowed. Talk about giving me the heeby jeebies.

Stephanie said...

Turtles are so fun! When we were young we we had a little turtle that we kept until it died. We also had a huge turtle we kept in a truck tire in the back yard, but Dad set it free. It's neat that Dallas enjoyed it so much.

Anonymous said...

That's funny :) I think the only wild-life we have around here are the racoons and people's cats (which are still pooping in my flower bed...) but Madison and Kellen both would have so much fun with something like that!