28 May 2008

The Sound of Silence

Ah, the moment when you realize you've spent the last several minutes entirely absorbed in taking care of important things (doing the dishes in this case), and you haven't heard a sound from your toddler. Yeah. I found Dallas stuffing his crayons (which he also wasn't supposed to have) into my ice water. I snatched up the camera even while telling Dallas "no", and trying hard not to laugh!
BTW, he stuffed the crayons in so tight I had pry them out of the bottle.


Rachel Holloway said...

What a smart little cookie!!! I too am afraid of the sound of silence...gotta wonder what is being taken apart!

Melinda said...

That looks like it was fun to work on! What a bunch of crayons. Evie's played with hers so much that, right now, there's only like six...not enough to do serious damage, anyway. I know what you mean about 'No, (giggle, try not to smile) that's very naughty'. I do it all the time here!

Kathy and Dave Whittle said...

I can see why Dallas put those in there - Actually, it looks like the crayons fit pretty good - could be a great storage container! :)

Sarah said...

Wow. They actually look like they belong there. What a funny guy.

Stephanie said...

Eww, wet crayons! Sounds like so much fun!

Michelle said...

Hee Hee, what a pill. My kids were "too quiet" yesterday. I am not used to having them all home all day. I went in to check, and found they were painting their stuffed animals with my fingernail polish, and dumping non-acetone polish remover all over the counter and floor. AAAHHHH! So I hear ya, quiet is dangerous. At least when the kids are making noise, I know where they are.

Karen said...

Oh LaNita, that is too funny! They do look great in there, I suppose you could have just dumped out the water and stored them in there while they dried:)