07 March 2009

Name That Month

What month has 31 days, nice breezes, lots of sun, and 80 degrees all day?
Huh? Anyone?

It's MARCH!! Yeah, March--the perpetually windy month has us loaded down with heat bad enough to wish for an air conditioner.
On the bright side, my windows have been open for three days straight.


Melinda said...

*Grumble* march is holding two days of overcast and one day of stormy snow/sleet/ice for me...I want to come visit you NOW!

Kathy Whittle said...

That's not fair! Still winter up here - We had a snowstorm yesterday that dropped about 5 inches of snow.

Michelle said...

Wow, you're lucky! We're still getting dang cold at night.... and heavy jackets in the daytime!

Anonymous said...

I'm with everyone else on this one! Okay, we haven't had snow or sleet, but we've had hail, as well as DAYS and DAYS of rain. Wishing I could get some warm weather and sunny skies, too....