18 February 2008

Pic of the Day #5

By all rights, I shoud have posted this yesterday, but Dallas wouldn't let me touch it. While I was getting ready for Stake Conference (doing my hair, actually), Dallas picked up the iron. I'm not sure you can see it, but he burned from underneath his thumb all the way up his fore finger. It's all blistered over, and today he let me touch his hand so that I could see if it needed any extra attention. It appears to be healing well, though, despite the fact that he's been trying to chew on that particular finger since yesterday.


Melinda said...

Poor Dallas! I hate that they have to learn some lessons the hard way. That's when I least like being a parent. Hope it heals well!

Sarah said...

Ouch! I hope it gets better soon. That is never fun.

Karen said...

Been there, done that...only you'd think I would learn the "keep away" thing with my kids...No I had to pass the burn on to my Maddi as well.

Anonymous said...

Mom - don't feel bad about Maddi; she was going to have to learn it at some point. Besides, I was just as bad, leaving down an iron that was heating while I went to get the ironing board, which allowed her to do the same things all over again!
LaNita - as long as you watch it for infection, he'll be fine. I think in some ways it's harder on the parents than the child; I know it just turns my stomach when I see my kids get hurt!

Grandma Danes said...

A mother at church was showing us her grandson's hand - same burn done same way. Amazing what they survive isn't it?