24 May 2008

Water, water everywhere...

This is my floor. Recently we had a storm, nothing too serious, and the rain was driving straight at our front door. Late that night, I noticed water on the floor in front of the door. Thinking it was rain that had forced its way in, I put a towel down and went to bed.
Two days later I'm still mopping up water. Josh and I examined the floor, the freezer and the wall to figure out where on earth this water was coming from. It was the A/C unit. It's a window unit that we installed into the wall; the drain holes, outside, had become clogged and the condensation was forced into my wall. The wall doesn't look all that bad, no apparent water damage, but my floor is still wet. Being concrete it is also rather slick.
The root of the problem is solved, but the effects will take longer to disappear; in the future I will be making routine checks on how it's draining...because I really don't want to go through this again!


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Not a fun mess to clean up :( I hope there's no lasting damage to anything!

Stephanie said...

Wow, that's no fun! Hope you're able to get it all taken care of, and that you don't have to deal with any more unexpected watery stuff!

Kathy and Dave Whittle said...

This kind of stuff is never fun - hope everything turns out okay!