02 February 2008

I have a correction to make on the post about how fast Dallas might recover.

This is Dallas at around 10:30, he'd just gotten the soft puppy from his Aunt Sarah, and he actually fell asleep soon after. You can definately see how tired he is just from his laying there while I took a picture.

Here is Dallas at around 11:30, a sisiter fron our ward had brought us dinner (frito and chili pie), and he decided he wanted the Fritos. He ate a bunch of them, without throwing up, and started to get sleepy again, so I thought it was time for pjs and bed.

Boy was I ever wrong!! Dallas was up and running, yes running, until nearly 1 o'clock. I finally sat him down on my lap and we played with the Little Leaps, until his day could catch up with him. He went down quietly after that and I was able to get a few hours of sleep before he ran out of bottle and needed another to give me a few more.

Well, there you have it! As everyone can see, he's doing great: small amount of pain, large appetite, drinking lots of fluids (he had a very wet diaper last night), and trying hard to make up for the time he lost yesterday being asleep so much.


Anonymous said...

It's great that Dallas is doing so well already! The only drawback is that you're going to have to keep up with him :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he's feeling better already!! I hope you get some rest, I don't know if it's a good idea for him to play with Josilyn or not because they can get rough but I'll watch him for a bit if you want a nap. It just has to be before Eddie gets home.

Karen said...

Yeah, baby on the move again!

Stephanie said...

I'm glad that he is doing so well, and hope his recovery continues to go smoothly.

Melinda said...

Hey, Sis, you're tagged...check out my blog if you haven't seen already. Love you and hope things are going well with Dallas' recovery!!

Grandma Danes said...

We're glad Dallas is doing well. It's hard to see them go through anything like that. It's a good thing we can't protect them from anything or they would never have any trials to grow from, and neither would we.